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Hanison Construction Company Limited and Hanison Contractors Limited are registered with the Building Authority in Hong Kong as Registered General Building Contractors and Specialist Contractors in the Foundation and Site Formation category. We are experienced in community infrastructure, site formation, ferry piers, road and drainage works. In addition, we have successfully completed a number of Design and Build projects.
In 1995, Hanison Construction Company Limited was awarded the ISO9001 Quality Management System certificate by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency ("HKQAA") in recognition of its efforts and commitment towards the maintenance of quality in its construction works. It is also awarded ISO14001 Environmental Management System, ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ISO50001 Energy Management System in 2002, 2007 and 2013 respectively.
Hanison Contractors Limited was awarded the ISO9001 Quality Management System certificate by the HKQAA in 1998. It is also awarded ISO14001 Environmental Management System, ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ISO50001 Energy Management System in 2002, 2007 and 2013 respectively.
Categories of Works:
  1. Residential
  2. Office
  3. Commercial
  4. Industrial
  5. Institutional
  6. School
  7. Recreational


Sau Mau Ping Estate Phase14 


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